Here's just a small sampling of the processes we have had the opportunity to improve.

Micro Part feeding

A customer had and extremely small part to feed that was fragile, sensitive to contamination, difficult to orient and needed help not only feeding the part but also required a loading system to interface with their existing machine and process. 



This customer had a laboratory process that was extremely unique but needed to be scaled up so that they could bring a high volume product to market in a cost effective manner.  Our solution was required to work in a clean room environment and had to be 100% inspected.



An 8 step, highly manual process was replaced with two machines that cut-to-length, welded, machined and press fit multiple components together.  In this case there was a high mix and low volume of custom sized parts that needed to be processed daily. Providing easily reconfigurable machines was one of the keys to success in this project.